Here we go again

Back in February I decided it was time to make a start on my web presence and dedicated roughly a week to setting up a Gatsby blog, deploying using Netlify and using my shiny new
domain. Alas, after that first week that site was left a little unloved and I felt a bit embarrassed to share it with anyone, which meant I fell into a loop of not writing the blogs I wanted to write.
Today all that changes! I've torn down my Gatsby site, signed myself up to DigitalOcean and set up my first Ghost blog which feels like it will be much less maintainence. In saying that, I've already had to reboot the droplet after roughly 3 hours of uptime so I'm somewhat skeptical, but I digress.
The intention for this blog will be to share some of my learning, a bit about bullet journalling, photos of adventures, the dogs and whatever else I find exciting enough to write about.
Thanks for taking the time to visit and read this! We'll see how long this one lasts.